News & Observer: March 22, 2015

Well, the cat’s out of the bag. My thanks to Andrea Weigl, Juli Leonard, the N&O, Steve Horowitz and My Man for all the kind words and support.

 Traci Lorraine Farmer at her downtown Raleigh art studio, left, and at her salon, Crazy Combs, right. Farmer’s bright, industrial landscapes are on display until the end of the month at Margaux’s, a north Raleigh restaurant where Farmer met her hus…


Traci Lorraine Farmer at her downtown Raleigh art studio, left, and at her salon, Crazy Combs, right. Farmer’s bright, industrial landscapes are on display until the end of the month at Margaux’s, a north Raleigh restaurant where Farmer met her husband years ago while both were waiting tables. JULI LEONARD JLEONARD@NEWSOBSERVER.COM

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